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Being brownentinian is honestly the worst thing imaginable, and its not even about not living a livable life (even though you won't cause you are a filthy brownentinian), it's bout being less of a human, whenever I see a first world guy I instantly respect him more, any other filthy brownentinians feel this way? People always respect people who are first worlders more, even if you become some high earning professional in a third world brown shithole you will always still be seen as a poor miserable low wage earner.
Lol sometimes when I look over and see a bunch of first world guys talking, laughing and just having a good fuckin time, I tear up and imagine what it would be like to be a first world guy, but then I wake up and realise I am just a filthy brownentinian. I mean no matter how much I earn I feel poor against first worlders, like most first worlders earn 70k-80k/y and then when graduating from college and getting some experience they go up to like 120k/y, so they view us brownentinians as inferior and decide not to do business with us, and really rich first worlders hates us even more.