Quoted By:
>be bolsonaro
>after night of cucking leftists, curb stomping hoodlums, drinking heavily and lifting with fashy bros
>fall asleep next to my harem of 11/10 girls
>in dream world
>its fucking beautiful, rio de janeiro but with nothing but huwhites, natives, and portugese
>look up to see buzzing helicopters and one lands in front of me
>get on and am greeted with a bunch of niggers wearing torn and ripped up che guevara t shirts inside a cage
>look in the cockpit and see pinochet with cyborg pedro the first
>pinochet turns to me and says
"olá amigo we found this batch in the amazon trying to read some faggoty ass red book"
> cyborg pedro the first says
"we were gonna make a quick stop here to pick up some monster ultra when we saw you"
>i smile and reply
"thanks guys, but why are you guys wasting your time with the low level commies? shouldnt we be trying to find high value targets?"
>they look at each other and laugh a hardy laugh
>pedro says
"your right amigo we dont waste time with your average dirty reds, we do have a 'high value target'"
>pinochet signals to a guard and he starts proding at the commies in the cage with his bayonet
>the crowd of commies in the cage start to move away from the bayonet and in the middle i see him
>that motherfucker
>that tool
>that commie
>haddad is standing slouched, trying to cover up his 1 x 10(-9999)μm penis, shitting and pissing himself
>pinochet says
"its starting to smell like ass in here, we gotta do this quickly"
>i nod and the rotor starts to spin
>after a while we pass over venezuela and i take a glance at the ground to see maduro getting hung publicly
>we soon arrive at the atlantic ocean and see mecha trump overseeing the execution of john claude juncker
>the helicopter levels itself out
>the commies start sounding off
>fucking animals
"its time"
>the guard unlocks the cage and starts to push out haddads lackeys
>after 7 minutes or so haddad is the only one left