Christianity was forced upon the White masses by traitor monarchs and elites as the first step towards compromising White civilization and eroding its values.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Crusades_to_Europe_and_the_Holy_LandLook at this list. All these crusades were either against White people or to pave a highway to the middle east so Jews and Christians could go to Palestine and worship their sand barbarian religion. Some things never change. Jews controlled the Church and used it to beat down Whites and interfere with issues on their behalf in the Middle East, and Jews controll the West and use it to persecute White people and meddle in the affairs of Israel.
Christianity is inherently jewish, a jewish mythology spread by a jewish rabbi for jewish people against the first united European empire. The act of wearing the cross is the reminder to spit on that idea, of the united European empire that murdered your dear rabbi by defiling their symbolism and turning it into a symbol of a martyr who opposed it.
Christianity is not compatible with political beliefs based on ethnicity/culture. Pre-abrahamic religions all developed from the interaction of he local people with the nature around them, e.g. a people without access to the sea wouldn't pray to a sea god. Thus a people's religion and culture stem from the land their ancestors inhabited.
The Abrahamic religions, including Christianity, rid themselves from their ethnical roots and became a globalised religion for everyone, without an attachment to blood or soil. Christianity being "the religion of the white race" is thus false. Christianity was a stepping stone to globalism.
All of this explains why Americans and other Anglos living outside of Europe are much more Christian than Europeans themselves. They have lost the roots to their homeland and thus the only religion they can follow is one that doesn't require a connection to blood and soil.