Compare this man to 99.99999% of all white society , yes 5 nines after the decimal. Go ahead you worthless incels
This:, in another thread some white incels or hillbillies were saying “there will be a uprising with whites, and they will come after all indians in canada”
This why the holocaust happened, cause all u worthless subhuman estrogen filled white wiggers are useless outside of being nerds and finding the laws of physics. U guys have 0 social skills, black niggers and soon indians will steal ur woman.
U cant even talk back against the worthless Palestine protesters hahahah.
I hope every kid in gaza gets glassed alive, and same for ur worthless parents and kids, go get ur terminal cancer clowns. Have you ever watched Ozarks on Netflix? I think it does a pretty good job describing white people who live in Suburbs and small towns- I compare them to Indians still living in India; or Africans still living in Africa. These white people are living in small towns because they are INCAPABLE of moving to NYC or LA, even being here from many many generations. They are subhuman to be frank. Normal white people moved NYC already, just like normal Indians moved to USA/ Canada. You white people living in small towns, the same towns ur grandparents lived are worthless, have zero social skills, and should go find the tallest cliff. My parents came to canada with $1500 in the year 1999, and now have a net worth over 3 million. Thats the difference between them and the worthless white animals who lives here for 100s of years, in the same fucking place, and their worthless kids are incels typing on 4chan.