>>18576479>Your babies? Why cojones should I care about that?>We get out! >We find who put us inside! >We bury them 5 feet under!>That's the plan!>And about how to escape. Just let me think you little imbecile!>I´ll come up with something brilliant!Jefa looked at the lock of the cell door. And examined its insides. Raquel realized that it was a high-quality craft and that she didn´t know how to pick it:
>Well, as the leader of this mission. Is up to me to manage how to use our combined talents. >Each woman has its strengths.>La Jefa, is the leader. I make the decisions.>Trin-nity, is the muscle. She has the poder.>And you Sorass, you are the brain. You are the most intelligent one...>SO USE THAT BRAIN OF YOURS AND GIVE ME A PLAN I CAN EXECUTE TO GET US OUT.