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I'm not going to lie I really regret making this thread. I don't actually give a shit about Nationalism or like Ethnicity or some gay shit. I was shitposting when I made this, but it's actually fucking worrying as to how many of you faggots unironically took this seriously. Fuck me like, some shite thread that took 10 seconds to make, with some poorly edited porn I did in MS paint, and you faggots actually swarm to this stuff, no wonder /pol/ is suck a mess. The absolute state of Anglos, how could honestly think that posting porn would prove you were superior, like get a fucking grip. Not only you Anglo fags, but everyone else who got so upset over this, you could have Saged, said it was fucking gay that I was posting porn as a coping mechanism for me being a smelly Anglo, or something else. I put no effort into this thread, I literally set it up to fail and you blew it up. Could you faggots not talk about intellectual literature or fucking current political events like you should be on a Political board, but nah this is what you spend your time on. Just neck yourself like, you're of no use to anyone, and nobody not even your families would miss ye. .>INB4 the eternal ((((jew)))) strikes again or some queer shit