>>14259533You're wrong. Here is why:
1. I've literally used an armbar to fuck up one guy that was harassing me and as soon as he pushed me, it gave me license to do that to him. People at the party were not too happy with me, but I fucked him up and feel good about it.
2. My looks were never my motivation to get into martial arts. I wanted a physical activity I could do and something with discipline. I initially wanted to play soccer, but didn't want to go through the trouble of joining a league.
My body looks good because I also workout, you meathead. You don't have to choose between martial arts or the gym. They complement each other.
3. You are an idiot if you think we just hit each other in the face/head at the gym when we train. We wear pads. Are you that fucking retarded? Unless you go into competitions, you don't actually take pads off.
4. This part I can agree with you on, somewhat. I hate the toxicity in MMA/Police/Military and anything in which men compete against each other. That shit is unnecessary and I hate how the modern UFC lets these retards insult each other in the most unsportsmanlike conduct.
In short, you're a moron that probably hits the gym and has never gotten into a real fight. I think a person should learn martial arts to assure themselves of their capability, not necessarily to hurt others.