>>9666452>Free word order? That must be confusing for a foreigner.I guess so. It probably makes comprehension a lot more difficult but on the other hand it also allows foreigners to build up sentences more easily. Plus, it's only relatively free. Like, if you want to say "I went outside" in a neutral context you'll 100% say "Я вышeл нa yлицy", not "Bышeл я нa yлицy" or "Ha yлицy я вышeл", although all variants are grammatically correct. So the common European subject - predicate - object scheme is usually applicable to Russian as well. However, sometimes alternative word order is used to shift focus from one part of a sentence to another in order to make it more expressive by syntactically highlighting the word you want reader or listener to pay more attention to. For example, if you want to underline that you went outside at 7 o'clock, you'll say "B 7 чacoв я вышeл нa yлицy", whereas in a neutral context that would look like "Я вышeл нa yлицy в 7 чacoв". I think that syntactic feature makes Russian quite poetic tbdesu
>Do people like that have good memory, usually?The ones I were talking about (
>>9666244) are usually fixated on some particular topic and memorise as many things related to it as they can, but are pretty sloppy otherwise
>>9666712>Isn't 4chan blocked in Russkie land?No, just /y/ and /h/ but both are still accessible with any VPN. But yeah, our government loves to ban some shit randomly too