>>103543914 for me
>>10354484>no it doesn't, living alone is orders of magnitude better than living with people you despise>mushroom* it's one mushroomsee, the thing with terms like animals and plants, flora and fauna and many others is that they were coined before cladistics, taxonomy and systamatic classification of life were a thing
as far as people of the past cared there were just humans, everythubg else that was mobile was animals and everything that was sessyle was plants... all of this was coined before the microspoe has even been invented
fauna comes from sister of faunus, lowest deity in grekoroman mythology reffering to a lesser beast like man consumed by his wilderness, but flora comes from flos- flower; do mushrooms have flowers?
mushrooms lack any typical organs that even protoplants and some algae have, lack typical metabolitic processes plants perform and instead have their own, they lack celulose in their fiberous protective layer around cell membrane whose name I never learned in english- and is instead built from chitin- a polysacharide only present in insects but with different structure and different purpouse alltogether; they are saphrophitic- unlike almost all plants that are autotrophic- with exceptions of hemiparasytes and full on parasytes like broomrape and mistletoe
and yet still bacteria and other microbes are often reffered to as microflora so I guess you could reffer to mushrooms as flora but really if you talk about mushrooms- though they are by some rudimentary and very expired definition plants- should just be reffered to as mushrooms since the former is unnecessarily pedantic in some aspects and highly ignorrant in other aspect; and the latter is simply agreed to be correct and it's not that hard to concede with using that definition