>>12199678Not all femboys are sluts and whores just because you see a small percentage of them homoing it up online.
To further emphasize my point.
Recent 2020 data shows that we get ~20 million unique monthly visitors so we'll use that as a baseline assuming they're all genuine.
3.5% of the population is gay or bi which translates to 700k homos dispersed across 78 (
>>>/trash/) boards. Assuming equal dispersion that means there's ~8,974 homos per board BUT I'M NOT DONE.
You bring up promiscuity acting like it's either on or off but it's actually a number like everything else.
Since you're talking about men.
>https://ifstudies.org/blog/promiscuous-america-smart-secular-and-somewhat-less-happy#:~:text=Over%202%25%20of%20women%20with,of%20150%20or%20more%20partners.>Almost 1.5% of men report top-percentile promiscuity of 150 or more partnersSince this is information we can gather we'll use 2% just to be generous.
That means of those thousands of potential hypothetical homos on that board only ~179 are slutty whores.
When you take in looks we only find 5% of the population attractive. That cuts you down to 8 fucking EIGHT people per board who are slutty femboys that are actually attractive enough to be paid for sex.
Lastly only 1% of women actually gets into prostitution so we'll assume the same with men.
So we've arrived at the 1 (rounding waaaaaaay up) person that maybe might be on the board that's actually in line with everything that MIGHT POSSIBLY THEORETICALLY be statistically needed to meet your theory of what "all femboys" are like.
Now run the numbers globally and fucking neck yourself Karen.
Don't talk shit on femboys you fucking ugly paki tranny bong.