>>15099193The faster you can construct, the faster you can be independent from the Kabal-system and also uphold morale/spirit among the community.
Especially now with supply shortages for construction materials, this is more difficult than one assumes.
Luckily, European socialist dreamers have done a lot of the required planning work for such a type of community and created models for sustainable eco-refugee communities.
>These models can just be adapted to more biosecure ways of life:
https://jordihansdesign.com/portfolio/hexagonal-home The economy would run mainly on solar & solar thermal electricity, with potentially also some wind- and hydro electricity. Hydrogen, charcoal and biogas would be the only power/fuel sources available in a self-sufficient scenario.
For raw materials, you are pretty much restricted to hemp and bamboo, because they grow quick and plentiful, in almost all climatic conditions. Other sources of wood, some stone and wool from sheep can potentially be used in a limited fashion.
For electronics/CPUs, you need some kind of trade partnership to external partners (or invest more than 1 billion euros into manufacturing).
The solar thermal plant cost can be brought down to around 15 million euros construction cost (for 10 MW capacity) with the newest available technology:
https://heliovis.com The hydrogen electrolysis plant costs probably around 10 million euros for a decent size, that produces enough hydrogen gas to power some public transport vehicles and farm equipment/tractors.