>>11525304>dosagemissing the point in seberal different ways
the cocaine example has two factors in it
one is the pure substance versus the mixture
cocaine is a pure subatance with only metabolic products, peppermint is a compound of many different substances that each have their own metabolic products
the second one is the concentration
see, 8 ppm has different meaning when meassuring in weight, number or volume
it ties back to the THC and paracetamol, I said paracetamols lethal dose is about 12 grams wheres for THC it was 53 grams, and THC's molecular mass is about double the paracetamol's molecular mass, so if paracetamol was as safe as thc it's lethal dose would be about 24 grams- which means paracetamol is about twice as deadly as thc instead of 4 times as deadly
this becomes very important when you consider how much cocaine and peppermint there is in the body
because if we take in account that cocaine shouldn't be in everyday use we would say that peppermint tea kinda is.
I mean if it's your favourite drnk you're bound to drink it a lot and often
and that's where the concept of metabolic stress comes in
see the body has rough time with handling strong substances when it has to deal with them too often, however, when it has to deal with them a little with bigger periods inbetween- theres almost no metabolic stress caused because of them
whereas drinking a same beverage that doesn't exactly have vital substances in it but still has to metabolise them is actually less good for your body
you see the peppermint tea doesn't provide much benefit to the body and it still has to be processed every day, whereas the microdose of drug every now and then the body will experience lots of benefits whilst only having to metabolise the substance every now and then