>>10659518 >POsT-darWINiAn moDEs OF eXperiEnCe aRE lIkelY TO BE Of A DiVErSIty, PROfUNDiTY aND LiQUid iNTENsITy tHAt GOeS bEYoNd AnythinG AcCeSsible To tHe ImPovErIsHed hUNtER-gaTHEreR-EVOLVeD iMagiNATIoN. aLL tHE MoRaL IllS IDEntifiED BY COnTemPORary secULAR ValUE-sysTEMs CAn be rooteD oUt FOR eveR. sUFfeRinG will one DAy bECoME PhySICALLY impOssible. thIs all sOUNds RaThER BOmbasTic; But The STRaTegY Is bIOLOgIcalLY fEaSible aS A SPEciES-PROJECt sHOULd We cHoOSE to PurSUE It.