>>8209768>The part where it says looking lustfully at women with your eyes?this part only refers to irl women, its just saying dont think about fuggin other people s wives thats bad
no where in the hundreds of thousands of words in both the new or old testament does it prohibit porn, modern christian just made it up for some uknown reason
>>8209769>Is jesus foretelling what will happen as a result of following him in that doing so will require not only sacrifice but will also lead to division amongst the family.yes
hate your father if your father tells you "son you re retarded stop falling for gurus"
love jesus more than your familly AND children
or you wont go into heaven
he says him not me
well I guess I m going to hell then
>I don’t think that he would consider this subsequent “division”-if taken literally-to be a desirable state of affairs.he (jesus) clearly doesnt give a fuck if its desirable or not, he s saying its a necessity and a prerequisit
>I think i read something from one of the church fathers (can’t remember which one)non primary sources, they dont speak from god do they? do they speak FOR jesus?
>>8209769>that this division christ speaks of is representative of mans soul and that each of the “family members” is representative of some aspect of mans soulcome on dont tell me you unironically believe thats what he meant
>n-nU GUISE when he said “Anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me" he actually meant detatchment from your own soul !!1!