>>11217187/g/ 2006
Man that shit was funny - browser & OS flamewars, applefaggotry memes, ubuntu blowing up and bringing all the newbs to linux
/x/ 2009 ish - 2011
Man /x/ actually used to be good. All the conspiracy theory shit like MKultra was on /x/
Then the /x/ & /pol/ kinda merged around 2011-2012
Been here ever since
>brevik>Bundy ranch>cant corner the dorner>zimmerman trial>race riots of 2012-2013>ows hippy protests>Trump election/pol/ (half or full) was god tier up until about 2017
I think (((they))) flooded this place with bots.
After years of failed subversion attempts they got tired of spending time and money on real shills and brought in the software.
Cheaper & more efficient.
Now instead of subversion, its just noise to signal ratio multiplied to hell so we spend all day arguing with each other (and their bots)