>>21786876All pagan practices in their core are the same all over the world, as the gods they worship (aka demons) are also the same all over the world. A commonality in many pagan traditions around the world (whether the pagans are from Africa, Europe, Asia or the Americas), is the practise of human sacrifice. All real occultists know that there is more demonic activity and power around areas or objects where there has been a violent death or evil act (esp. if against a human).
In addition to appeasing the pagan gods/spirits (aka demons) through the practise of human sacrifice, the magnitude of the power will correlate with the amount of pain inflicted on the victim before death, meaning the longer you torture, and ensure maximum pain is drawn out before the victim dies, the stronger the spiritual power you will gain. Furthermore, as real occultists also know, if the evil act can be bound to an organic object, like a tree, this power will be concentrated there (esp. accumulated with time and victims) and be more easily harnessed and interact with the pagan worshipers.
That's why the practise of torturing people to death in a sacrifice or ritual, and variations of these "holy" trees (i.e. "holy" sites) have been found and recorded all over the world, whether in the brown Americas or black Africa until just the last hundred years with the introduction of a Christian morality and worldview. Pagan American Indians practised human sacrifice rampantly, including North American Indians (the pagan wooden Totem poles found and displayed across North America were such "sacred" places for the indians). No wonder Varg says that all pagans worship the same pagan "gods" under different names. No wonder white Europeans fell to the level of blacks in Africa when we were practicing paganism. The Donar's oak (which St. Boniface felled) was the "sacred" oak used for human sacrifices in Germanic paganism, no different to the savage pagans of Africa, Asia, the Americas etc.