>>15783701>The part about his dick was fucking gay as fuck. Miura never should have collaborated with that homoo o o what about the part where the fat royal bitch starts thirsting for grunbelds cock, got a few good laughs out of that one.
muira was a great auther but his judgement when it came to collab projects was fucking terrible remember beserk 2016? he also apporoved of that.
>>15783703>Berserk had a strong ending note if the series ended after Griffith claimed Falconia and Guts embraced his journey to protect Casca. You can pull what the OVA did and just abruptly show Guts and Casca together if you had to. Miura dragged it on for ages instead and now not only is the story mediocre but it's incomplete.agreed after i while i really got the impression that muira wanted to work on something else and was only stringing us along because he needed to end it on a "banger" with griffith getting what he deserves for the fans.
i wonder what his assistants are gonna do with they have his notes and are allowed to finish the project but what's the garantie they won't turn it to shit?