>>5173044>>5173076Eh, we've had worse
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1961_Goldsboro_B-52_crash>"the jet bomber "lost its tail, spun out of control, and, perhaps most important, lost control of its bomb bay doors before it lost two megaton nuclear bombs," according to a two-part series about the accident by The Orange County Register. "The plane crashed nose-first into a tobacco field a few paces away from Big Daddy Road just outside Goldsboro, N.C., about 60 miles east of Raleigh.">One bomb safely parachuted to the ground and snagged on a tree. Crews quickly found it, inspected it, and moved it onto a truck.However, the parachute of the other bomb failed, causing it to slam into a swampy, muddy field and break into pieces. "
>"The military studied the bombs and learned that six of seven steps to blow up one of them had engaged, according to The Register. Only one trigger stopped a blast — that switch was set to "ARM" yet somehow failed to detonate the bomb.>It was only "by the slightest margin of chance, literally the failure of two wires to cross, a nuclear explosion was averted," a declassified 1963 memo described Robert McNamara, the secretary of defense at the time, as saying."