>>271659394cope with what?
mad at you?
I feel sorry for you apes.
you were NEVER on top
you were ALWAYS the fucking low iq ape men, all other races were enslaving, raping, killing
Or did you forget that the Arabs were enslaving your nigger asses 800 years before the Europeans?
Did you forget that, nigger?
Were you superior then as well?
When the Arabs were enslaving and castrating your asses?
Remember, nigger, if it wasn't for the white man - you would still be living in a 3rd world shithole in Africa, in a cow shit mud hut, washing your hair with cow piss.
Everything you see around yourself, everything you are using in your everyday's life - was created by a white man, by western civilisation.
The language you are using is Germanic.
The clothes you were are western.
Never forget that, nigger.