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Ok /bant/ I got a story for ya.
Be 6th grade and just got into middle school.
I instantly notice that alot of other Anons have a Femanon and I get kinda upset becuase im some 6/10 Spick whos is now entering puberty. Keep in mind I live in Florida so spicks are about as common as hurricanes here. There is this one Stacy who I have had a crush on since 5th grade.
She is a down right 9/10 Mexican goddess. I believed that since that I was also Mexican there would be less of a barrier. Being the Autist I am i go around and start telling my friend Anons and Friend Femanos about how I feel about her. (keep this in mind its important later) so anyway one of my friends is this Vietnamese kid who we will refer to as Joey. Now Joey we was a pretty cool kid so me and him got along. Another was a Semi chad who will shall call trent and he just told all the major chads how i feel about her. This does not really matter but Joey still does. So one in late november or early december in talking to Joey about her and suddenly she appeared infront of us. Now Joey being the No fucks given kid he is runs up to her and tells her I like her. Luckely this is the end of the day while walkimg to the bus so thats kinda better as seing Me and Ava (The goddess) can talk to each other via hangouts. I confess and she accepts which was a complete shocker to me. A day later I go to talk to her but Hispanic heritage kicks in and I bail at the last second (Luckily) I later go on hangouts and learned she dumped me. And I realized that my Hispanic heritage saved me from a lifetime of embarrassment. Then it hits me I just got dumped by a 9/10 goddess. Mfw