>>6633606I know that the reason that Hippo, the Argentine Drawfag that did the /bant/ abominations, and Aya (which is ironic because they didn't want to be bumped at all) all left was due to their threads getting drowned out by noise. Hippo personally attributed the old pepsi script as a reason he was able to function for as along as he did, and when it gave out combined with the raid from April, a dozen formally regular threads were toast by the end of July, which is also the same time that /bant/ gained an extra hour of loiter time for a thread going from page one to ten.
I kept the woop thread up in order to spite the greens and did my part to prolong this one because it has actual discussion happening inside. If I actually bumped "every" cirno thread that got made over the course of a day the catalogue would have been 50% blue by the end of the week, and cirno images aren't usually the marker I use to determine "thread worthiness" anyway, it's the amount of text in the replies, as well as whether it was already a day old to begin with.