>>21871169>if you kill a jew, the world becomes a better place. morally, spiritually, a veil lifts, and like a mandela effect shifting you across dimensions instantenously, things improve, like some rot in a vidya being slowly purged from the world.this is true you know. how many jews can you think of that got what they deserved? the people who were responsible for those killings experienced a temporary divine boon as a result of their serving the divine. it is the divine's way of telling you it approves of what you are doing. and theres more where that came from. but to ignore it, and not learn from your experience, you will lose your grace. thats what seperates non-players from players. the ability to perceive the real world. like neo.
christcucks cant compute this because they literally cant even accept the fact that npcs exist. they think every single person is equal and experiences the world identically, and is in full control of their own behavior. never will they stop to think why advertisements exist. why categorizations like INTj, O.C.E.A.N. exist, they cant even accept this simple undeniable fact: npcs exist. that there are puppets, fugues, that can be manipulated towards action like Pavlov's Dog, by both players AND the divine. and they become truly the most cucked types of people, who think that people who think they can hang up a clothesline can trick god should be their arbiters of morality and justice, and write their laws. every single thing they do benefits jews, and itd be one thing to be capable of identifying that, for atleast you could try an opposite approach. but they cant even do that. they just reset. like a bot rebooting. their OS is the babbyl. and they simply repeat the same mistakes perpetually, eternally. and jews just prosper perpetually, eternally, at their expense. 2000 years of genetic selection to remove aggression via brother wars and encouraging the breeding of the dumbest most docile types, and here we are.