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Noire’s Case Files: The Missing Mini-taur
There’s a big ol’ cow mech wots been parked at the corner of Ravioli and Rigatoni since tha penguin incident a few months ago.
Might not have anything to do with tha disappearin’ dairy dame, but it’s tha only thing approachin’ a lead that I got.
Hit up a couple a’ peelers wot seemed to have permanently parked themselves in the shade of the mech; a literal pig with a perpetual scowl on his porcine face and a chubby gal who looked like she could burst inta tears at any moment.
Spaghetti Town’s finest.
>That’s an impressive rig ya got there, chief. Anything you can tell me ‘bout it? Like maybe who owns it and where I might be able to find ‘em?
“I can tell ya whoever owns this heap a’ scrap owes the city 800k in parking fees”, sneered the (literal) pig.
>So ya can’t tell me who
“Oh, it belongs t-“
“SHADDUP!”, shouted the pig.
“Look, we could climb up there and go rootin’ round the glove box for a vehicle registration, but that’s so energy consumin’ and we ain’t et lunch yet. If ya could bring us a couple o’ pies from Pizza Princess maybe we could be compelled to have a look”.
>how’s ’bout I bring ya three pies and I have a look in the glove compartment myself?
“Even better”
>You got a toppin’ preference, chief?
“Pepperoni, sausage, an’ Canadian bacon”, oinked the pig happily before turning to his partner, “and don’t you go tellin’ the missus! I’ll catch hell if she finds out I ain’t been eating kosher!”.