>>27559739True, multiple purposes were served
>ley lines>the Earth grid is evolving from Knowledge -> Justice”The concept of the Earth Grid has, as its source, the teachings of the classical scholar Plato. Plato maintained that the world, in his day, was shaped like a dodecahedron and that, over time, it would evolve into an icosahedron. He believed that mathematical perfection existed independently of human reason, which was, in any case, cable only of generating approximations of these ideal shapes. The logic here is that no-one has ever managed to render a perfect circle, because of the rigorous nature of the task, and the general bumpiness of the spatial medium. In addition to this, Plato believed that man's understanding of concepts like; truth, justice and forgiveness, was equally obscured, and that these forms, as he called them, existed independently, somewhere in the Universe, as perfect geometric shapes; known as forms.
It is clear, therefore, that Plato was not literally stating that the Earth is dodecahedral in shape, but that its latent and perfect mathematical structure is. If we further extrapolate Plato's hypothesis of 'forms' onto this concept, we can say that the dodecahedron stage corresponds to a phase of human evolution geared towards the accumulation of knowledge, and that the icosahedron stage corresponds to man's need to develop the proper ethical structure to deal with the consequence of said knowledge. Therefore, the perfect geometric form of knowledge is the dodecahedron, and the perfect form of justice is the icosahedron.“