LGBTQ army cant do squat! USA cant bomb any country with the sole exception of dirt poor mideast hell holes, Afghanistan and unironically places like somalia. Even Iran bombed US bases like alqaeda base camps that destroyed the petrodollar and ushered in the COVID psyops!
https://web.archive.org/web/20210103010525/https://jonsnewplace.wordpress.com/2020/04/01/covid-19-ten-things-to-think-about/2021 USA/UK loses price discovery power over gold and silver, the natural monetary metals!
We are living through a classical rerun of European history ...here is how it goes!
An east india trading house lets say the Dutch east india company loses its spice routes or the abillity to fix the price of pepper and control its supply to Europe.
1: The masonic judeochristian banksters of the Dutch East india company central bank need to immediately cut consumption and contract paper money supply otherwise there would be a run on gold and commodities.
2: Preferred masonic goto LOCKSTEP strategy: Toss a plague corpse or psyop the plague and tell everyone in the city or trading town disease is coming flee to the country side so all bars, brothels, painting houses, workshops are closed and builders, traders, whores and their sailor johns flee to the country side for a few weeks/ months.
3: Eventually peasants figure out the plague is not as real or as serious and start to withdraw physical gold and pepper tea coffee stock in warehouses of the east india trading house.
4: CENTRAL BANK PUMP AND DUMP SCHEMES FAIL, Run on precious metals on the banks, jewish bankers usually try to flee with their share of gold, get blamed for plague, holocaust expulsion etc etc.
>We are now in between 3 and 4>SILVER CHAD FAGGOTS ARE MEMEING 4 INTO REALITY!