>>1255868>Maybe we had them in nationalIn primary we had prayers for lunch as well.
>Why did your parents send you?I made the decision myself. I only really did it because my brother went there and it would be easier, as for why he went I don't know, maybe because our mother went there. Plus there'd be no chance of encountering any of my primary school classmates again. The other choices in schools were an all-boys school that's known for being a knacker hellhole where it's expected that lads get the shit kicked into them regularly, a school with no uniforms that I was against because I didn't want to have to dress fashionably and I can't remember the other schools in the area but I'm pretty sure most of them were quite knackery.
My only complaint about my school was that my mam and brother told me the Irish wasn't that strongly used. They lied. In fairness to my mother, when she went there half the teachers couldn't speak Irish and she was líofa.