ds is the space-time interval
dt is the time interval
dr is the spatial interval
c is the speed of light a is the time-dependent cosmic scale factor
k is the curvature per unit area.
In the equation “c” equals the speed of light as a constant in free space. This study disproves this equation and instead of three reasons why redshift happens you now have four. Light is not constant, but is determinate on its frequency, or the energy it has. The only evidence for the big bang theory was redshift. Now that redshift can happen based on the frequency of light, expansion of the universe is an optical illusion caused by the variant speeds of light. What may appear to be traveling away from you could be traveling towards or keeping the same distance from you. That means you could have a blue shift but it appears as a red shift. Without knowing the speed of light you are observing you cannot determine the distance between celestial bodies or if the universe is indeed expanding.
This single belief that the speed of light is constant comes from the totem worship of Einstein.