Quoted By:
>”I was making love to your robograndma junior”
Sex robots will be the greatest revolution in history since the invention of agriculture. The separation of sex AND reproduction from the vaginal Jew ( the roastie) will free mankind to pursue innovative and creative outlets with all the resources freed up from maintaining a biocunt. The kike will also loose their most valuable pawn in voting in niggers and faggotry into our societies. Women will be forced out of EVERY role, and automation will replace menial labour. All children will be raised in perfect living families and are genetically perfect from a combination of embryo selection, nutrient abundance, and genetic engineering. Skin cells will be taken from the owner of the robowaifu, turned into egg cells ( we can do this right now) and then a selected sperm donor will be chosen for ivf, and the embryo implanted into the robowaifus artificial womb which has a perfect nutrient environment to grow your own person ubermensch heir. The future is bright anons. Take this white pill in these dark dark times.