A jeet and a slav will together produce a gypsy, nobody really likes gypsies in Russia. Women are usually hypersocial, so if for some reason she wakes up from jew programming and realizes that your skin color is a stigma - she will ruin your life.
Schizophrenia is more prevalent in women. You need a gold digger schizo. Gold diggers are straightforward, predictable, hopefully will drive you to KYS.
Other schizos are so random, it's impossible to predict what is going to happen. A nice looking woman with an adorable attitude might think that you are a serial killer or going to abuse her as soon as she is too dependent on you in a foreign country. It's common towards older foreigners, and almost common when age gap is relatively small.
You maybe want to find some hippie schizo and hope that she is not an artist(impressed by aesthetics and beautiful people) or not a doctor(extremely disgusted by statistics)
>>21400237>Slavic women are heartless. Check out the divorce statistics.Sweaty, thats just post-feminism. WW2 did some number on us, so women were empowered like you wouldn't believe. It's forgotten now, but endemic, subconscious, from babushka whining to mother whining to daughter whining. Don't worry, you will get there for different reasons
>>21400245>She divorces you, gets half of everything you ownlol lul lal lmao I already forgot that gay people always have to pay 50% and have no option of marriage contract.