>>3940063But Now I will continue and explain how this all relates to things that are just beyond what you would expect.
I really wanted to save the best or better yet the craziest stuff for last so that I didn't just throw people off completely.
Memetics is 100% real. It's an absolute science. Many of you will probably leave the thread thinking this is just stupid but allow me to try and explain
>Take string theory. Assume it is 100% true. If true, the your thoughts will effect the world. Princeton University once had a test to see if someone's thoughts could effect the way in which balls dropped out of an automated machine and told the people to focus on where they wanted the balls to drop and compared that to when no one was around and found that it had a varied effect. But an effect none the less, some people more than others. >Okay, so if you make a meme and it has an idea in it like "Were gonna build the wall". When that meme is seen by someone and they read and FEEL EMOTION when reading it weather positive or negative.... The wall becomes a little more real. Thoughts create reality, Emotion makes the process go even faster. The fastest is positive emotion but negative works too just less. So if your meme can make some people laugh and others pissed off... You've made the ultimate meme and can now bring things into reality. Propaganda is not simply selling an idea, it's literally the process of creating it. Meming something into existanceWhy did the Illuminati tell us subliminally hundreds of times that 9/11 would happen in all kinds of cartoons and many other ways.... Because they wanted to essentially meme it into reality. They have to tell us at the very least subliminally or better yet as jokes in order to get our minds adjusted to what will happen and make their attempts smoother. Your subconscious helps them create the atrocities they want to occur. If they didn't tell you there would be massive interference and it probably wouldn't work