>>13651673The reason behind us being a part of GATE is that we do not view the world as other people.
I mean that literally as we do not analyze the world with feelings.
We were a research project across the globe and ethnicities due to our ability to not be swayed by emotions.
Some of us were tried to be learnt emotions, some of us were observed to try to understand how our minds worked.
This was done by subliminal messaging + abstract tasks like the sound, day-time depravation by blocked windows, and the symbol-cards.
Subliminal messaging works on most people and is heavily used in todays world.
Why GIFTED children though?
Because anyone retarded or stupid wouldn't be able to utilize or notice a real difference between the humans.
We can feel and spot when people are irrational, others don't they follow like sheep and freak out.
Also on PRE-TERM births:
https://americanpregnancy.org/healthy-pregnancy/labor-and-birth/delayed-cord-clamping/"DCC is typically only used with ___preterm infants___, as babies born before full-term are said to benefit greatly from the extra blood received.
The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) endorses DCC in preterm infants but believes there isn’t enough evidence at this time to confirm the potential benefits of delayed umbilical cord clamping in full-term babies."
Normal gestation babies don't have delayed cord clamping allowing all of the blood to flow into their bodies, so they literally possibly get brain damage, whereas pre-term babies (gate) often DO get delayed cord clamping, allowing a lot more blood to flow into their bodies, preventing brain damage.
Now look up the statistics over how many people have inner thoughts/monologue and mental visualization. And ponder how that links in to how you perceive the world, and how it affects critical thinking. Without inner monologue and mental visualization you aren't able to simulate abstract thought and problem-solve with critical thinking.
pic related.