>>10441526 >[...] oUr DesCENdANTs MaY Be nOT JusT SupErInTELliGent BUt sUPeRSeNTiEnt - bLessED WITh The CAPaciTy to shiFT BETWeEn A multITude of RadicaLLY DiFFereNt ModEs Of cONsciOusnEss WhOSe oNLy coMMon iNGreDiEnT iS the MOLeCUlAR SiGnaTURE Of BLIsS. PoStHUMAN mastERY oF reWARd cirCUiTrY WIll LET TheM sAfElY ExploRE pSychEDElia IN a WAy moSt HUManS BEiNgS DOn't DAre.