>>20673058On the matter of individualism and collectivism.
What stops you from being harmed by others now?
The legal framework and its enforcement. Which boils down to the threat of physical violence from the state. Should you go against the state by for example not paying taxes, no matter the number of steps. The end result is in physical repercussions. The resistance to the state enforced physical repercussion is termination by the police or military. The state at this point in time will end your life if you do not pay taxes and resist the physical consequences brought on by the state. Therefore your participation in the collective is under the threat of death.
What is the difference between your rights and the rights of the cattle that we raise?
The recognition by the collective and your representation within the collective. When you are mistreated in such a way that your rights as decided by the collective are infringed, it is the collective that you are part of that will fight to protect you.
All biological life can be considered as in competition for resources. We exist as families, clans, tribes, ethnic groups, nations and empires as a function of that competition. The singular individual will be overcome by the collective. One family will be overcome by a tribe. A tribe will be overcome by a nation.
Therefore when you see every single human individual as equal it is no different to no longer recognising that you are part of a collective. Why should the members of an ethnic collective recognise your rights when you regard all humans as equal thereby refusing to be part of the collective?
You receive the treatment that you are willing to tolerate. With rights that you are willing to fight for. Under the representation of the collective that you belong to. Because the collective is willing to fight for these rights. If you are no longer being represented and are not part of a collective you become no different to cattle heading to slaughter.