>>10581875>picFuking jek and hyper-lol.
hahahahaha i appreciate this!!!!
>trust me, poles got redpilled about the JQ. there will be NO MORE hiding jews in the basement. I really hope so. The only thing Germany has to blame itself for, is to not having killed all jews on this planet.
>reminds me of weimar and how quickly it turned into le ebil nazi state. glThis is both good and bad.
The degeneration though shit that also made out Weimar, is now a global problem. We all know who orchestrated and pushed for it. And we all know who did take action against it.
If history repeats itself, and it will (has always done since the last 5000 years) i see a bright future for white people coming.
But blood has to be spilled first.
Hitler was right. And the kikes know this, that's why they still shit their pants when they hear or read his name.