>>19995195How long have people like op been pushing this shit?
because I'm tired of seeing the discussion outside self-deprecating echo chambers. Not balding, but the complete deconstruction of a person to the point where you now associate with other things you also don't think makes you a man. Most guys bald, period. Balding earlier might even be a new thing just from the amount of garbage we have passively been exposed or consume within our generation but thats a topic for a whole other thread. If you arent gonna do what
>>19995240 said just go bald, start wearing hats. You are basically treating balding like how most men feel about their penis size, which is why you probably added that cuckhold shit in your op image.
When it comes to how a man should look it is heavily individualized and industrialized to where if you look up anything on the internet they are shilling more products than advise. You want actual advise? go talk to women which means explore other social avenues outside of the self-deprecating echo chamber thats only bots telling you what you want to hear.