Quoted By:
I've been on the inside when I was younger, got to have a 4 1/2 day long visit against my will. My crime? I made a fairly harmless prank phone call (legitimately not mean, not offensive, tongue in cheek prank call; the kind of call that if you got while at work, for example, you'd have a laugh too). The psycho on the other end looked up my area code and called up the police station, spun the cops some insane story about me and gave them my number. They took this story at face value, no questions asked, and were so disturbed by it they actually spent the time looking through records to find my parents address. Hours later, in the dead of the night, I was pulled out of the doorway and made to walk through the snow to their squad car, barefoot, where they took me to the hospital for eval.
From there, I was threatened with violence to submit to a drug test and was informed that I was being involuntarily committed for 72 hours. The doctor didn't even evaluate me, let alone speak to me other than to threaten restraints and a catheter and to let me know that there were no beds available for me, so they forced me to ride in an expensive ambulance to go to a privately owned psychiatric facility. After being forced to be awake for 30 or so hours, a doctor there came into my newly acquired room with a piece of paper while I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open. He told me if I signed it, I'd be free to go in the morning, and if I didn't that he would do everything in his power to keep me there for as long as he could. I was young, physically and mentally drained, and scared; I signed it. I'd quickly learn the next day that I had signed away my right to check myself out. I asked the head nurse to speak to the doctor; she smiled and simply said "Who's Dr. Ness?". The fucking cunt was trying to gaslight me, and at this point I knew I was fucked.