Quoted By:
>be American
>go to dietician cuz overweight
>get told to swap out regular soda with diet soda
>eat more burger to makeup for lesser caloric intake
>get fatter cuz articifical ingredients
>line Nestle pockets and support industrial food system cuz retarded
>support united states capitalism (cronyism)
>the pharmaceutical industry has been found to have misled doctors, politicians, regulators, and the public and creating the worst addiction crisis in history
>the oil industry has been found to have mis-incentivized scientists and misled politicians, regulators, and the public resulting in the worst environmental crisis in history
>the food industry has been found to have misled doctors, scientists, politicians, regulators, and the public resulting in one of the largest health epidemics in history
>the banking industry has been found to have misled economists, politicians, regulators, and the public resulting in one of the worst financial crises in history