>>20614895There's only one way out - Jesus Christ.
It’s always important to remember how many generations lived before petroleum products and computers, and how different their lives were than ours. Thousands and thousands of years of humans just being born and dying, living in rural agricultural communities, experiencing the joy, pain, drama, excitement, and heartbreak that is human existence.
All of these thousands and thousands of years of literally billions of people, all interacting in different ways, were to test the nature of God himself, and slowly… slowly… slowly… coagulate one side from another. A sort of divine mitosis, if you will.
That’s the whole point – those who can let go of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, described as "pleasurable" to the eye,will gain more than they can imagine. Conversely, those who think this is all that matters will lose their lives.
The key is to let go.
This is the essence of Jesus’ church. It is not a building - it is simply when one human being loves another for no reason, just because they exist. At the time, that was apparently a pretty radical concept.
The Bible defines the word Love as filtered through these four lenses: the love between friends, lovers, and family, and the famous Agape love as the most unique and compelling.
Agape has been defined as, “pure, willful, sacrificial love that intentionally desires another’s highest good.” Now, this is the Holy of Holies, the real Holy Grail. Love – the source of Life itself. God’s very own nature, revealed to us, mere humanity.
And honestly, it’s not even that complicated. “Do good things to one another.” Simple, right? Logical, even. It’s the kind of thing a monkey could come up with while sitting under a banana tree.
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