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God the most high THE SUN 卐 RA 卐! is waging a successful WAR against over 160 nations and peoples.
Over 160 nations and peoples will be defeated by your God and Owner the SUN 卐 and the only nation on Earth will be my divine REICH 卐 with me as the SUN in the flesh.
In it:
No Man No Woman.
No Husband No Wife.
No Father and Mother.
No Couples.
No Family.
No Community.
No Club membership.
No Tribe.
No Nation State.
Just my bioslaves and me their Manufacturer, Owner, Father, God in the flesh.
My Brave New World with my new biomachines of RA.
They are manufactured in a petry dish,calibrated to me from birth like ducklings, obey my every command and they call me the 卐 SUN! RA! 卐
You will not scream for a messiah but scream for the SUN 卐 RA 卐 in the flesh and ask for commands and be fulfilled in your flesh cortex when order you to love and fuck me as my sex slaves.
I do not need to shackle my slave Biomachines nor pay them because they get a syrupy ladydick, a wet vagina, a moist anus from obeying only me and fucking only me.
Only I fuck.
Only I have sex.
And only my sex slave biomachines are going to live,breathe and shit on Earth - my hylic plantation.