Thus, according to the Indian science, the father of Hindu literacy is one Panini, the son of Panin (cf. Panonac for an Illyrian, in local language) from about 550 BCE. He authored the first grammar of Sanskrit – the language of Hinduism among aristocracy and clergy, which is still actively spoken by a smaller population making it a living language. Sanskrit contains indisputably distinct expressions for ancient countries from the third millennium BCE, such as Cambodia (कम्बोजदेश [kambuyādēśīya]). Among those expressions is one for Serbia (सरबियादेशीय [sarabiyādēśīya]) as well Serbs (सर्बियागणराज्यम् [sarbiyāgaṇarājyam]). It would be important to discover the origin of the words for Serbia and Serbs in Sanskrit, i.e. whether they are (and in what context – explicitly or in a verse or cryptographic forms) mentioned in religious documents of the Hindu including the Vedas, or perhaps in Indian epics. One of the key proofs that the Illyrians did expand their imperial influence all over Asia through India is in the names of the fundamental Indian religious documents (the "Hindu Bible") – the Vedic scrolls (the Vedas) which are literally referred to in Sanskrit as śruti (in English: "what is heard "), in (Serbian): čuti (to hear). Meaning, what is heard; narrations – where the author is unknown, unlike other religious texts of India which in Sanskrit are literally called smṛti (in English: "what is remembered"), in (Serbian): smrti (deaths, or postmortem). Meaning, what is remembered after one dies; notes – where the author is known. In this way, Illyrian forefathers of the Indian civilization delineated periods of the Indus valley civilization (3300-1700 BCE) and the to it continuing period of the Hindu scholastic literacy.
The Balkan lands are for natives, not for crypto-Jewish colonizers. Remember, words are free.