Quoted By:
>>be me
>>served in military for 7 years
>>while being overseas got back in touch with qt3.14 I went to high school with
>>she is great, beautiful woman, we got married & she gave me 4 children
>>at first she was really left leaning but eventually she saw the light and even voted for Trump in 2020
>>her best friend since grade school is now a pot head coal burner
>>her last piece of coal left her bc she came down here to visit my wifu without leaving him any money
>>he literally had no job and sold drugs out of her car
>>lived with her for months and paid no bills
>>coal burner has an 8 year old son in her custody during all of this
>>after they break up wifu calls her and tells coalburner that she left her baboons hoodie over here
>>she says she will get it next time she comes here
>>FF 5 months
>>coal burner is literally dating a white supremacist with swastika tattoos who just got out of prison
>>turns out he works hard on a farm makes good money
>>happy for her and her son didn't want him to have an ape for a step dad
>>they want to come over for the weekend
>>kind of nervous but agree
>>meet him and he is pretty cool
>>claims to not actually be racist anymore but I doubt it/ don't care because I'm racist
>>coalburner finds her antique farm equipment's old hoodie
>>hoodie has been in plastic bag this whole time and still smells like new ports and chimp sweat
>>she puts it on like the coalburner she is
>>Nazi bf asks her where she got the hoodie
>>she says it was her ex bf
>>he smells hoodie
>>"Did you date a nigger"?!
>>mfw when