>>284725157https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/284696485/#284725157btw 4chan is the illuminati
it's timeless
https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/282383165/#282407325No I don't mean it's freemasons or they have to anything to do with it more like the "illuminati" that predate 4chan are false and inversion while this is the real place that defines time but it will go down when the emperor becomes aware of it because of a paradox
In essence it created itself from nothing and spread backwards into time as memetics since it's spherical and not linear thus not defined by causality(has power but doesn't share)
We don't even have to have met or be here or anything lol. Same with people, are we a collective forming a single individual or an individual forming a collective? Both yet neither.
Posting this here because the thread archived before I could I don't care if you see it or not or whom else or what they think of it, no reason i don't even care if im banned for off-topic i have no purpose or desire to be here