>>13611522Now, some documented side effects include;
Alteration of Mating Preferences.
>women on HBC have a preference for feminine attributes, due to their "pregnant" bodies seeking "providers" rather than prime mating material (masculine attributes). This automatically reverts to normal after being off HBC for a period of time.This change in sexual preference is so profound that there are many cases where women, after going off HBC (such as trying to get pregnant), may completely lose any attraction they had towards their partners, because the traits that attracted them initially are no longer preferable to the non-HBC manipulated brain.
>Long-lasting hormonal alterations and defects in female egg cells, as well as the uterine lining that is produced in the future.Such hormonal changes in offspring can lead to lower T-counts, higher chances of developing particular neurosis and a heightened propensity towards certain psychological issues (Bipolar disorder).
>Women on HBC are more likely to express opinions and politics based on "empathetic" reasons, such as open-borders immigration.Women off of HBC tend to have a more conservative bent to their politics, and tend to be more locally-minded. Specifically, focusing on their families and local communities, rather than national and global politics like women on HBC do.
At the end of the day, when you really think about it, HBC is a root cause for much of Western society's woes. Why is HBC being pushed so hard? Can it truly be simply contraceptive medication, being pushed without concern for the consequences? Or is there a deeper, darker meaning behind it? Thoughts?