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Work your way up to be able to drop a vial of 200 hits of lsd within a week. Get a vial and start with 3, then 3 hours later during a peak, drop 3 more, then 3 more later. Youll know when to drop more. Make sure you eat salmon lox and drink lemonade water. Whenever you do get some sleep, youll wake up tripping and youll have to double the dose cause tolerance is fast. Within a week that vial should be done. Make sure you dont have to talk to anyone during that week cause you wont be able to. I personally wear a mouthgaurd in the first few days cuase I grind my teeth hard unconsciously. As long as you eat and crash out, your good. Youll know youre good anyways, as always. Youre spine will permanently be a tuning fork from then on.