What an out-of-control spectacle that was! The woman walking away from this match with the Hardcore Title does so with a big victory, but no shortage of battle scars and crosshairs on her back.
Up next, we have a big match involving a personal issue that's been brewing for some time now! The Yellow Empress, looking to expand her opium empire for more Chinese profit, laid down a fake will to try to gain ownership of the Night Villa. Unfortunately for her, Onigiri, Shogun Aina, and their new housemates Warhorse, denied both her rent and claims at every turn.
Using the leverage from helping to save Spaghetti Town from the recent penguin invasion, the mansion now legally rests in Aina's possession. Naturally, the Empress would not take that lying down, and has demanded a match against C.A.M.O. while seemingly trying to butter her up as the only "adult" of the household.
We know C.A.M.O. has had difficulties adjusting to the unpredictability of living with the former Steller Stars, as well as coming off from just losing the Tag Team Titles. Will this make a difference in the bout? Shogun Aina certainly doesn't think so, and has decided to accompany C.A.M.O. to the ring despite having B1 preparations to attend to.