The deeper the dumpster, the stranger the findings.
>>10415415Why wouldn't you wonder what other people are thinking? Thoughts are what ideas and actions stem from. You can learn how to understand people (in theory at least) by knowing what their thoughts are and why they are the way they are.
>two years ago is like a lifetime agoSo the environment is at fault. I suppose I'm lucky, seeing how my parents haven't divorced or grown to resent each other. I remember that even during high school more than half my classmates' parents were divorced or already remarried. Makes you wonder why people even marry, eh?
I'm not surprised that drugs suppress that. Aren't similar reasons (maybe not that extreme) the cause of people becoming alcoholics and such?
I understand where you are coming from. I've stopped thinking like that, but a short while ago I kept this idea in my head that if anything goes horribly wrong in the future, whether internally or externally, then I have an option which will end the suffering. Then again, there is no proof that there is an afterlife but there isn't any to the contrary either. And who's to know that suicide isn't a sin which will be met with far more suffering?
>how does one achieve this performance?In other words, you think that you'd go crazy if you didn't have an outlet for those monologues. Or am I wrong? I find it relateable if that really is the case. I don't think I've ever had such conversations with anyone in my 22 years of life. I doubt I'll forget them soon, if ever.
>but them ahss ouh wye boys have thick necks by default, them being just as thick by defaultBy the way, have you heard about the riots or whatever those blacks are doing in the US? Seeing how Americans are already quite tense because of the virus and its aftermath, do you think that this may escalate into an actual happening?