>>22222072"Azazel" refers to the Canaanite / Palmyric-Arab morning star god "Azizos", the "El" ending is just an angelic name ending referring to the person as a "Son of El". In Islam, "Azazel" was the name of Satan before he fell from grace, just like "Lucifer" was the name before Christianity.
https://www.bitterwaters.com/bw_12_21_2018/the-case-for-lilith/the-biblical-case-for-lilith/3-20-the-unique-fused-nature-between-leviathan-and-lucifer/https://www.bitterwaters.com/bw_12_21_2018/the-case-for-lilith/the-case-for-azazel/6-5-azazel-in-the-zohar-as-the-seed-of-lilith/"Azazel" or "Lucifer" is the hermaphroditic union of Samael and Lilith, Samael being the male twin of Lilith.
This imagery was stolen by the Jews from the Greeks. In the Dionysian religion (and similar variation), the first God and father of the gods is "Phanes", with his twin sister "Nyx" or "Night". Phanes was a hermaphroditic God who formed Nyx out of himself. Phanes was the light bringing God of the Dawn and the day, Lilith was the night bringing goddess of the evening and the night.
The name "Lilith" in Hebrew comes from the Hebrew word for night. And in Greek, the word "Phanes" means "He who brings light", or "Lucifer".
The Dionysian religion identified Dionysus as the reincarnated Lucifer.