>>14689747>So you are inbred enough that you hail from a specific geographically determined line of race.Jewiness comes from the mitochondria, there is no such thing as a pure jewish person anymore, everybody knows it, but if you mother is jewish, no matter the race/ethnicity of your father, you will still be 100% a jew, that Drake guy is an example of this.
That's why there are so many different ethnicities of jews, like ashkenazi, sephardic and mizrahi. Ashkenazi are heavily mixed with central and east europe, sephardic are heavily mixed with iberians while mizrahi are heavily mixed with arabs.
I'm just saying that I probably have a lot of sephardic jew dna and mizrahi dna, many people in Latin America do because many of the phenomena called "new christians" and because Brazil received many immigrants from arab countries back in late 1800s