>>3043623>Do you have a smart gf?Experience my world, if you will.
>be me>be redpilled since I slid out of mom's vegana>grow up in major city where premarital sex is not given a second thought>realize I will never have unused wife>decide not worth it, just fuck girls, be single forever, live a good bachelor's life>it was pretty sweet tbqhwy famalam>get to late 20's>one day meet girl>super fucking cute>really fucking nice>10 years younger than me but legal>capital V virgin>break into her email to be sure>break into her friend's email to be REALLY sure>see all the email she's ever sent (digital packrat)>zero references to having done anything with anyone beyond kissing>lots of references to all her firsts with meScore, right?
What's the problem, anon?
She's not smart. At all. Not dumb, but slightly below average IQ. I would guess 95.
I, on the other hand, have two degrees from top flight school. And hard degrees, not bullshit. Director at international company. Love my wife to pieces, but worried about dumbfuck children.
Not sure if I'm winning desu. Just pretty happy so I guess that's good. I guess...