>>6057360I love drama, I can't live without it. I thrive on the autism, the tears, the stupidity. I get off on it. When I read a post from some raging little autist blaming me for his problems, it makes me so hard. I always cum buckets at the idea of his impotent rage driving him to type huge paragraphs, run spambots, draw mean pictures… really, the idea that someone, somewhere, is so angered at me that he feels the need to try to take revenge on me through the internet… it's just so delicious, I'm addicted to it.
When they call me a shill, a goon, a professional shitposter, and I can see that they're so full of themselves, so full of self-satisfaction by seeing their conspiracy theories being "proved" real, I can't take it. I just have to fap, then and there. Just whip it out and beat it, hard, until I shoot it all over my screen. I just get too horny. I can't control it, the delusion, the paranoia, the idiocy, they just arouse me too much. I even salivate sometimes. If I could, I'd reach through the screen and give whoever made the post a big, wet kiss with tongue. I just love it when they rage like that.